Introducing "The Library": My new favourite feature!

Hey folks! It's been a while since the last update from Bardic Tools. I've been busy with many things (hello, FreeRPG day!), but I just finished the most exciting feature I've added to Bardic Tools so far, and I want to tell you about it.

It's something most of you have been asking for, actually! I was skeptical at first but, now that it's done, Oh-Em-Gee do I love it.

It's something that will make my prep a hundred times easier, and hope it will help you with yours too.


The Library

Ready-to-use sounds for your game.

Yup. We have pre-selected sounds now.

I've partnered up with the brilliant composers Alexander Nakarada (from and Scott Buckley (, who have graciously given permission to use their music in Bardic Tools.

So, after a lot of developing and digging through their massive backlogs, I've compiled a list of 120+ songs and sound effects, specifically compiled and tagged for you to use in your games.

The results? Honestly? Mind-blowing.

I timed myself, wondering how long it took to build an epic scene. The time? Less than a minute.

No, really. I filmed it.

Here's an example of me building a full, immersive scene in seconds, from scratch, using The Library.

It's that easy!

The sounds are all licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 or other similarly permissive licenses, so if you're a content creator, you can use them in your content! For free! Just make sure you give the authors proper attribution using the attribution information at the bottom of every card.

I can't wait to see what you create with The Library.


But wait! There's more!

When I showed The Library to a few friends and beta users, they all loved it. I thought I had done a great job. I thought I could have a wee break from programming now, that I could just keep adding sounds to improve it.

I was a fool.

A very kind user, upon seeing The Library, point out: "This is pretty cool!" And I smiled broadly, for a split-second, before they followed it up with "But what if you offered pre-built scenes? Every party goes to a tavern eventually, and I'd really love to have one ready to go."

I wasn't smiling anymore. I wasn't smiling, because the idea was so obviously, blindingly, moorishly good that I had to make it... and that meant a lot more programming.

So back to the code mines I went, determined to make the best pre-constructed scenes I could.


I did!


Bardic Scenes

Pre-built scenes for your games.

Bardic Scenes are made to be dead-easy to add to your board and operate, with individually designed controls for ambience, music, and sound effects (thanks /u/BEDplaysGAMES for your suggestion here!):

I'm unreasonably happy with how these turned out, please let me know what you think!

That's it for this update! I'll keep adding new sounds and scenes as time goes on. Of course, if you have any suggestions, send them over to! I'd love to hear them.


Borja @ Bardic Tools